В разделе "Коллекция" можно посмотреть линейки водок по странам. Количество бутылочек постоянно растет и на главной странице раздела представлены новинки в коллекции.
В разделе "Обмен\продажа" фотографии минибутылочек, которые мы готовы предложить другим коллекционерам, а в разделе "Разыскиваются" бутылочки, которые мы готовы приобрести по очень интересным ценам.
Если у вас есть вопросы, предложения, сообщения, пишите через Обратную связь или оставляйте сообщения в Гостевой книге.
Welcome! Thanks for stopping by. This site presents our collection of miniature vodka-bottles. Not any vodka-bottle can be included in our collection but only bottles that satisfy the following criteria: not larger than 50ml in volume, made of glass, ceramic or metal, not less than 35% alcohol volume content
Our collection is focused on series of vodkas and can be browsed in the section "Collection”. The section is organized by the country of origin for the ease of navigation and comparison. Our collection is constantly growing. The main page of the this section is the best place to see the recent additions to it. In the section "Sale and Exchange” you will find items that are available for trade or sale, while section "Wanted” includes items that we are interested to acquire. If you have any questions or simply interested to get in touch with us on any related to our collection subject - "Feedback” and "Guest book” are there for you.
A couple words about us: we, Leonid and Lydia, live in the most beautiful city in the world – Saint-Petersburg, Russia. We are very passionate about our collection and would be happy to hear from you.